This year with the Easter Bunny I was more than expecting another melt down like we had with Santa, so i definately was expecting Rylee to be crying around him.
We had stopped by to see the Easter bunny about a week before we actually took pictures just to see how she would react.
And I was holding her and as soon as I started to get closer to him she started whining and holding on to me tighter and looking away.
When we went back a week later, Jake really helped the situation.
First I put Aedyn on the bunny's lap and then I think she started to see that he wasn't going to hurt her or anything.
And then Jake just worked it in steps, he went over and sat by the bunny's chair and asked Rylee to come over and stand by him with him.
So she did but she still wanted her daddy to get her away from him.
The next thing was he walked away and he told her to just stand by him.
And then after enough of that went on we asked her if she would sit on his lap, and she said "yeah".
So it worked out perfectly and i got a smiley picture!
We had our Easter Egg hunt at Coolidge this year.
We got there pretty early for a good parking spot and I knew Rylee would be able to get her face painted.
She did really good with that, she said there patiently through getting a butterfly on one cheek and a flower on the other.
Then we waited a while for them to start the Easter egg hunt, So Jake took her to play with the bells at the park, which kept her occupied for a little while.
And then her Nana and Pappaw came to watch her hunt easter eggs, and Rylee is completely attached to her pappaw.
She was very happy to see him.
Once the hunt began, it was crazy, there was about 30 little 0-2 year olds and their parents rushing in.
And most of the parents were swooping up eggs for their kids, and I didn't think that was the point, I was there to let Rylee have some fun and do it herself.
She did really good, not like last year when she just wanted to pick up one egg and look at it a while.
She kept going to the next egg, but one thing she kept doing that was so sweet, she probably put half of her eggs in other babies baskets.
She just loves other babies, she is always in aw of them.
But the next round to hunt Rylee's daddy got her a bunch of eggs.. haha...
mainly because there was a 7 year old in the 0-2 section stealing all the eggs. :/
After the hunt was over, we went to listen to the Church service and Choir.
Rylee did not want to sit still for that at all, So she threw her hacky sack around for a while, which she loved!
And then her pappaw took her on the River boat.
When she came back to me Amanda and Lexie were there. Rylee rarely gets to see Lexie anymore.
She kept going up to her and saying "hey lexie, hey lexie" hahah.
i could tell she was happy to see her.
But she was way too hyper to be sitting around, so she kept running from me, and running pretty far! It was getting pretty annoying.
So eventually I got her to stay right around where we were, and where I could see her.
I kept telling her that she didn't wanna leave her lexie, and it worked.
She went up to this random little girl, probably around the same age as her and kissed her, it was too cute.
So Rylee was standing about 4 feet away from us on the concrete and all of a sudden, she gets ran over by a girl on a bike.
I couldn't have been more upset, i don't know how I didn't go off on that little girl or her mom.
My mom went up and said something to the mom because the girl just kept on riding her bike, knowing she just ran over a 2 year old, like it was nothing.
The mom said " kids will be kids"
I was so furious, we left.
Definately ruined the experience for us & I doubt we will go back next year.
After that, we went to Olive Garden with my parents :]
It was a nice Easter even though everything that happened... It was nice to do things out of the ordinary...