It seems like she grew up alot this month.
WOW, well she is standing up by herself alot better now. She is working on her balance. My friend told me that her baby did that for a couple weeks and then all of a sudden started walking, so I am excited for that. :]]]
She started watching us on the phone talking, -which she has always had a fascination with phones.
But this month she started putting her hand to her ear & saying "hi".
It is soooo cute, she does the sweetest things now.
And she gets cuter with time.
I also caught her flushing the toilet. :]
I am actually really surprised by how much she does and says at only 8 months. I never thought that she would be doing so much so soon.
She actually got onto the couch by herself at about 8 1/2 months.
This month mommy & daddy finally got the guts to get Rylee's ears pierced.
She was much braver than we were.
Daddy was pacing and was so nervous.
I was literally feeling like i was going to faint. I think I almost cried.
We both felt bad because she didn't even know any thing was going to happen to her.
I held her while she got it done. The women there & daddy were in front of her making all kinds of funny noises just to keep her attention.
And then once they did the first ear, , we were both mad because the old lady got the gun stuck to her ear so her ear was being pulled .
I could hear the pain in her cry so I felt so bad for her and she was looking to me for comfort. I really just wanted to quit and just have one ear done. lol
She really cried after they did the second one.
She cried for about a minute and then drank a bottle and was fine.
And she hasn;t acted like it botherd her since.
Shes so cute with her pink earrings :]
I really wish we had gotten them pierced earlier on because at this age she is so alert and happy.
It would have been easier if she was a small baby who was asleep or something.