18 pounds, 4 ounces, 30 1/8 inches long and 95 percentile!
This month we went to Vandergriff park & Coolidge park alot...
Mommy & Daddy have tried to get me out alot on the pretty days :]
More & more every day, Rylee is getting more brave.
Before she would only walk with us holding her hands, & then it turned into cruising & then she would start walking by herself only if it is only a short distance, if it were long she would just crawl. But towards the end of the month she is really showing independance, she wants to walk all on her own and she can walk about a room's distance before falling.
One of her main problems with walking is that she gets really excited at the end and falls.
Rylee had her 1st trip to the emergency room.
The day started with her throwing up early in the morning.
We weren't too worried because this had happened a couple of months ago and it just got better on it's own,
so we did nothing, went about our day, but after the 3rd time she threw up for no reason, we called the dr.
They said that if it keeps up then to give her pedialyte, and if she doesn't keep that down then to take her to the ER.
& if you didn't get it by now, she didn't keep it down.
The doctor there pretty much said it was ROTOVIRUS.
He didn't ask too many ?S and neither did we because it was like midnight.
so the next day we looked it up online and it didn't sound right.
She was only throwing up when she drank formula, so I started thinking that maybe she was becoming lactos intolerant.
Never really got an answer on that one. but her doctor Wiley have her a really easy to digest formula and shes been fine since.
But this was a big big scare for us, I have never felt so bad for her. :[