Friday, January 22, 2010

getting back on track!

Rylee was sick in the picture above. I was on the computer and she just brought her blankie and pillow and came and layed on the floor. :]
She was sick for about a week, and I have got to say, she is the best sick baby I have ever seen. She wasn't fussy, if anything she was much sweeter. She just wanted to be held alot and lay on the couch with her blankie. And sleep!
She started back on her naps! yes!
Some days me and her would still go take naps together in Mommy and Daddy's bed because mommy was sick this week too!
Rylee didn't want to eat very much. I felt bad for her. She got a fever but it dropped within that day.
I thought for sure that she would be even more clingy after all this time with me holding her and sleeping with her and everything, but no :]
Once she started feeling better, she didn't want to be held much or anything. Kinda sad, I wish I had more sweet moments with her.
She is back to taking naps everyday! And I appreciate them so much more now, I get to have a shower by myself!
The baby I had mentioned before, Ryan, that I had held and Rylee freaked out about it came over this week and when I held him, Rylee was fine with it! I couldn't believe it.
She saw that he was sleeping and she was saying "shh, night night". And giving him kisses.
But when he did cry, Rylee would put her arms out like she thought she was going to get to hold him, I am very excited to see how she takes having Aedyn around all the time, and she will be able to hold him.
Speaking of which I have an induction date of February 1st & he should be born on the 2nd :]
Rylee has a little over a week of being an only child.!
Last night, there was a tornado warning out, so Jake suggested that we let Rylee sleep in the bed with us so we wouldn't worry about her.
I was pretty happy about this. We went to bed at her bedtime (9:30)
She was freaking out because she wanted to be right up next to me, we had her in between me and Jake but she just wanted me.
It makes me feel bad for Jake because she is just like that because he works all day.
So she kept on for about 30 minutes trying to talk to us and tell us she loves us.
It was getting pretty annoying, So i rolled away from her and she started to drift off on her own.
She woke up around midnight, I'm not sure why, but she sat up and was wanting to wake up. I was pretty much past my limit by this time.
So i carried her to her bed and she fell back to sleep right away in there.
She is just too big to sleep with us anymore.
But I need my sleep anyway!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

EVERYTHING changing*

Rylee's baby brother is almost here! I can't wait to see her reaction to him!
Just this past week we went to the hospital to see a friend of mine and her new baby.
Well when I went to hold the baby Rylee put her face in her hands and started balling. She didn't want to talk much or throw a fit.
She just kept saying mommy and seemed like she really got her feelings hurt or something.
I kinda took this as a sign of whats to come!
But I hope whenever Aedyn comes, by making her more involved with him will help.
Because she will be able to hold him and sit with him and give him his passy and all of that.
I just couldn't let her hold someone else's baby and she didn't get that.
I hope she isn't too jealous of him.
When the baby is born, I plan on Jake and Rylee going home each night together while me and Aedyn are in the hospital.
So hopefully she can just get alot closer to her daddy.
God knows I'm gonna need that! When I get home and I need to breast feed or something, I don't want Rylee being upset everytime.
So I would like her to feel more attachment to Jake.

On another note- for quite some time Rylee has known her body parts, and recently we taught her that boogers are in her nose.
Maybe not the brightest idea, becuase now she is fascinated by it.
I catch her alot with her fingers in her nose!
She does it in public too.... ugh.
It seems like we have done a complete turn around in alot of areas.
Potty training- pretty much on hold. She very rarely will go in her potty. I don't try to push it on her because I don't want to stress her out over it.
I think alot of it had to do with when Jake had his week off of work for Christmas, we didn't really stay home much.
And we never take her to other bathrooms to go potty, always just ours and on her princess potty.
So I think she just got out of the hang of it.
Another thing that happened because of Jake's Christmas break,
We were sleeping in pretty late on those days, and Rylee's door has a child safety lock on it so she can't just let herself out and get into everything in the apartment before mommy and daddy wake up.
Which has never been a problem because I usally wake up around the same time as her and go let her out.
But on these days we were sleeping in late and she wasn't. I would wake up to her crying at her door to be let out.
So I think she has taken sleeping in her own room to be a punishment, like we aren't going to let her out or something? Because now every bed time she cries and cries and doesn't want us to leave her.
Which she was totally fine with sleeping in her own bed before.
Well nap time has been 1,000x worse! because she knows she can make it without a nap and its light outside so she doesn't fall asleep, she will continuously cry until we go and get her.
One day, I layed down with her in her toddler bed and told her to close her eyes, and she fell asleep.
But obviously I Can't do that everyday or she would become spoiled by it.
So I made the hard decision to let her drop her naps.! :/
That is like the ONLY free time I have at all.
So everyday for about 2 weeks, it has been non-stop Rylee!
But if I get tired or want to take a nap, all I have to do is put her in my bed with me and we both get to sleep :]
I am just scared by this that she will get used to sleeping with us again, and I already worked so hard the first time to get her out of our bed.
She has just all of a sudden become so much more clingy!
Now she has a pretty bad cold, and I have been giving her childrens cold medicine for it, and I think it is making her more sleepy, so today after me and her took Jake to meet a guy to take him to work, we came home and went to sleep in my bed for about 5 hours.
And then 2 hours later we were watching tv in the living room, and she just lays down on the floor and closes her eyes.
I asked her if she was sleepy and she nodded her head yes, so I took advantage of this time for a little test.
I put her in her own bed, and she cried a little at first but she went to sleep!
I can't believe it, I hope once she gets over her cold she can go back to taking naps, I will really need it here in a month!