Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Big Girl!!!!

Someone slept in her own room for the first time last night (june 17, 2009).
I know that sounds crazy, shes over a year & just now.
But she started off in our bed & we got her to sleep in her own crib a few months ago & I figured with the second baby coming I need to get her adjusted to sleeping in her own room.
Because I couldn't really have her in the same room as her sissy or brother waking her up every 2 hours.
We plan on getting a pack n play with the bassinet on top for the 2nd baby. We aren't making the same mistake twice with the bed. haha
It was really hard last night though, I didn't go to sleep for hours even though i was sooo tired.
I was just sitting up listening to the monitor.
& i was hearing the Ac in it so i had to go turn that off.
I was just scared that i wouldn't hear her cry.
Her daddy was fast asleep though about 2 seconds after he hit the pillow.
Hes working so much, hes only home for 1 hour that rylee is awake a day,
Hes making good money so for now its worth it.
He kept waking up to tell me to go to sleep and that i was crazy.
But its just very hard for me, because Im with her every second of every day and i worry about her constantly.
Me and her are sooooo attached.
And i was really worried how she would be not being able to see us when she wakes up.
Because shes been so fussy lately because of a diaper rash that keeps coming back.
I have taken her to the dr twice and he says shes getting too much protein and calcium and yeast and to cut down on the bottles to 3 milks 1 juice and the rest water.
And i did and it still wont go away.
But i gave her some tylenol to help her sleep through the pain.
ALL IN ALL it was a success. maybe tonight i will actually get some sleep though.
I hope we can keep this up everytime though.
I love my kidssss :]

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

here we go again :]

Well... well... well... On June 7th we found out that Rylee is a big sissy :]
We are so excited...
I keep trying to tell her that there is a baby & i point to my belly, but she just doesn't get it yet.
She just says button when I do that.
I hope she gets it before the baby comes.
Which should be early February.
But I am alot more scared this time around.
When I was pregnant with Rylee I don't think I ever worried about losing the baby.
But this time I am, I'm like scared to tell people,
I have only told close family & friends.
I think it is because I have seen my cousin lose 2 babies now & that is after she had her 1st-Aralynn [who was born the same week as Rylee]
I kindof just thought before once you've had one baby there would never be any problems having others.
It's just scary & I hope this worry doesn't come true.
& Dr Patel can't even see me for 3 weeks! Im ready to go now.
So she can tell me that Im pregnant & maybe get my 1st ultrasound.
I love being pregnant.
My motherly instincts tell me that it's another girl.
But we will see because I thought Rylee was a boy. lol
I'm just so excited!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Where did the time go?
She had 2 birthday parties this year!
her first one was a family party, but jakes parents didnt show up.
so it was just my family :]
the second one was a cpl wks later & only a few friends came.
I think i decided that next year i wont do a friends party, i want it to be more about family.
Guess which big girl started sleeping in her crib!!!
I know i have said it before, but its been going on since she turned 1.
She doesnt even cry when i put her in there anymore, she just goes right to sleep almost.
But the crib is in her mommy & daddys room, im not ready for her to go to her own room yet.
Other than that.... she has started adding more words to her vocabulary.
i might have forgotten some
Its cute too because, when you say "tray" she knows that means the tray to her walker, where i put her snacks.
so she runs right to it without even thinking about it.
& "owie" means... well she will pinch you & give you an owie and if you say owie or cry she will give you a kiss.
but now she has started giving herself owies and kissing it.
I dont know how her brain comes up with all of this.
she loves to talk & it seems like everyday shes repeating us.
Its great, like i dont really think of her that much as a baby any more , shes like a lil lil lil person. lol
But now we've got to start thinking about who we let her be around, because alot of people we know cuss, or maybe we could just ask them not to cuss around Rylee.
Because i would hate it if she repeated something like that.
This month we switched Rylee from whole milk to soy milk.
I found out that it has the same amount of calcium and protein as cows milk but its just alot better for you.
And she adjusted really well, really quick.
My reasons for switching were mainly because i found out that it was just as good for her if not better,
but also she was going through like 5 gallons a month of cows milk & as everyone i know knows that i am a vegetarian & if i can in any way cut down on dairy i will.
Because i read an article that really showed me something,
it said that with every glass of milk there is a side of veil becuase that milk was made for that baby cow, but instead they took the milk & the cow.
And i really think of Rylee as alot more innocent and sweet because she is for the most part vegan.
And she already loves animals, i hope that is something we can have in common while she grows up.
Ive decided for her 2nd birthday party we are going to do it at Mckamey animal shelter & adoption.
I volunteer there and i found out that they do birthday parties and they will bring out dogs for them to play with.
I think she will really enjoy it.
Well we took Rylee to Chester Frost park for the first time.
The water was really cold and at first she hated it.
She wouldnt even let her daddy hold her in the water, she only wanted her mommy.
It was so sweet,
eventually she started getting over it and had some fun.
We went with amanda, johnny, and lexie.
I cant wait till rylee and lexie can actually play together.
They still dont even seem to care too much when they are around eachother.
Something not so good this month is the day after chester frost her eye was all gunky.
So throughout the day it got swollen so i took her to the doctor.
And he said that she has a left ear infection & a double eye infection!
Poor baby.
After i took her home i noticed her pulling on her left ear.
And she was just crying non stop, I even gave her the phone and she threw it down.
Nothing could make her better,
but the i pulled out some soy ice cream and she was happy after that.
she loved it and she doesnt normally like cold stuff.
I thought it was really good though too.