Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Big Girl!!!!

Someone slept in her own room for the first time last night (june 17, 2009).
I know that sounds crazy, shes over a year & just now.
But she started off in our bed & we got her to sleep in her own crib a few months ago & I figured with the second baby coming I need to get her adjusted to sleeping in her own room.
Because I couldn't really have her in the same room as her sissy or brother waking her up every 2 hours.
We plan on getting a pack n play with the bassinet on top for the 2nd baby. We aren't making the same mistake twice with the bed. haha
It was really hard last night though, I didn't go to sleep for hours even though i was sooo tired.
I was just sitting up listening to the monitor.
& i was hearing the Ac in it so i had to go turn that off.
I was just scared that i wouldn't hear her cry.
Her daddy was fast asleep though about 2 seconds after he hit the pillow.
Hes working so much, hes only home for 1 hour that rylee is awake a day,
Hes making good money so for now its worth it.
He kept waking up to tell me to go to sleep and that i was crazy.
But its just very hard for me, because Im with her every second of every day and i worry about her constantly.
Me and her are sooooo attached.
And i was really worried how she would be not being able to see us when she wakes up.
Because shes been so fussy lately because of a diaper rash that keeps coming back.
I have taken her to the dr twice and he says shes getting too much protein and calcium and yeast and to cut down on the bottles to 3 milks 1 juice and the rest water.
And i did and it still wont go away.
But i gave her some tylenol to help her sleep through the pain.
ALL IN ALL it was a success. maybe tonight i will actually get some sleep though.
I hope we can keep this up everytime though.
I love my kidssss :]

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