This year I decided not to put the presents under the tree until Christmas eve night after Rylee went to sleep.
So the next morning she was not expecting to wake up to presents.
This was the first time she has really enjoyed opening any sort of presents.
Last Christmas she was only 8 months old and didnt care about it.
On her birthday, she didnt really care.
But this year at almost 20 months she was completely into ripping all of them open.
But when she would open one toy, she would stop and forget about opening anymore, because she wanted to play with her new toy.
She was really good about it though, Jake would just say, open another one and she would get up no problem and do so.
I got the entire morning on video :]
Such a great memory to have.
After she got done opening her presents I got into the shower.
And when I got out Rylee was dragging my dad's present (that we had left under the tree) around the house, holding onto the ribbon.
I am really glad she didnt open it.
I would not have been too pleased to have to wrap a present all over again.
We left for my parents house around noon.
We ate and then opened Rylees presents as well as mine and Jakes.
Rylee got so many toys.
And they really kept her content. Usually she acts like she has ADD or something and only plays with the toys for a few minutes and moves on.
But not with all of these new toys!
We took her outside to let her ride her power wheels car that was supposed to be a Christmas present.
We keep it at her Nana & Pappaws house.
She was riding it up and down the street, I think she completely gets how to drive it now.
Before she would step on the gas and would get so excited that she was going, she would quit.
Now she stays on the gas and loves to keep going.
She doesnt quite get how to steer it.
But she is still sort of young for it.
After spending 5 hours at my parents house, we went to Jakes parents house.
We got there and right away openned our presents.
Rylee got this dog that laughs and rolls around on the floor. Rylee really seemed to love it.
Well I was standing up holding her and she was holding the dog and she dropped it!
The motor got broke or something. So that toy didnt last very long!
Hopefully we can get them to send us a new working one!
We ate again at Jakes parents house.
We spent almost 5 hours there too.
Rylee had no nap the whole day and we left his parents house past her bedtime.
So needless to say she fell asleep in the car!
When we got home, I got her out of the car and she didnt wake up at all.
She was beat, she had too much excitement for one day.
I wish she could have days like this more often.
All I wanted was for her to be happy and have the best day :]
I think we accomplished that.
I love her more than life itself.
Glad you all had a great Christmas! Happy New Year!