This year I decided not to put the presents under the tree until Christmas eve night after Rylee went to sleep.
She ofcourse didn't get why I was teaching her this yet, but she learned it.
We had so many places to go this year (very different from last year when she was only 5 months old.)
First we went to Jake's parents house. We rang their doorbell to trick or treat, but when Jake's mom opened the door Rylee just tried to walk in.
She didn't understand standing outside.
Jake's mom got her candy bowl and was picking out tons of things to give Rylee. But Rylee just kept grabbing out suckers, that was the only thing she wanted.
We stayed at her house for an hour while Jake dressed up his brother, Austin like a hobo.
He had a painted on beard and messy hair - this really scared Rylee.
She knew it was Austin, she just didn't get why he looked like that, she wouldn't go near him.
So I knew early on in the night that she would be getting scared alot by scary costumes.
When we were leaving their house Austin decided to come with us for the night.
The next stop was Chase Meadows neighborhood to go trick or treating with Lexie but by the time we got there Lexie was leaving to go to another neighborhood.
So we trick or treated at a few houses in the neighborhood including Amanda & Josh's house.
This was Rylee's first taste of trick or treating. While at these other houses she really didn't get why we were not staying to talk to people for a long time.
Once she got her candy she didn't want to just leave. She would stand there talking to them and looking at them. It was really hard to get her to leave.
She also thought she could take as much candy as she wanted. So it really wasn't good for the people that let you get your own candy, because Rylee took a ton of it.
And also at first, she didn't want to put her candy in her pumpkin (which I guess is understandable) she wanted to eat it already. And also she wanted her mommy to go with her and hold her hand every single time, she was very un sure about going up to all these doors by herself. Shes at a very insecure age I guess?
Once we left that neighborhood we let Rylee eat a couple of pieces of candy in the car to keep her happy until we got to My mom & dad's house.
My mom was the same way with Rylee as Jake's mom, she wanted to fill Rylee's bucket.
We didn't stay very long at my mom's house because at this point it was starting to get dark.
We trick or treated at 2 houses in my old neighborhood - just to people's houses that I knew my whole life & they were so happy to see Rylee.
We then went to our last stop that I was really excited about - it was to a neighborhood me & Jake had went to a few months back just to look at the beautiful million dollar houses. (Enclave) I knew this would be a great neighborhood because it had probably 100 houses and they were all so nice. I knew they would give out plenty of candy too haha.
It was fun for me and Jake too just because every house we went up to we were admiring and talking about what we liked about it.
It was nice too because alot of the people giving out candy were dressed up as witches or vampires. It was a whole different experience for Rylee.
While she was scared of these vampires she saw that they had candy so she got over it pretty quick. lol
She started to get tired of walking, good thing we remembered to bring the stroller! we really needed it.
About half way through this neighborhood Lexie , Amanda, & Johnny came to trick or treat with us.
Rylee is always really happy to see Lexie.
We trick or treated for 3 hours total I think and by this time me & Rylee were wore out & we decided to call it a night. It was a great Halloween :]
OOOOO & my camera broke!!! so i dnt know how i am gonna live without one until we can get another one! I guess I will have to borrow my dads....