Friday, January 22, 2010

getting back on track!

Rylee was sick in the picture above. I was on the computer and she just brought her blankie and pillow and came and layed on the floor. :]
She was sick for about a week, and I have got to say, she is the best sick baby I have ever seen. She wasn't fussy, if anything she was much sweeter. She just wanted to be held alot and lay on the couch with her blankie. And sleep!
She started back on her naps! yes!
Some days me and her would still go take naps together in Mommy and Daddy's bed because mommy was sick this week too!
Rylee didn't want to eat very much. I felt bad for her. She got a fever but it dropped within that day.
I thought for sure that she would be even more clingy after all this time with me holding her and sleeping with her and everything, but no :]
Once she started feeling better, she didn't want to be held much or anything. Kinda sad, I wish I had more sweet moments with her.
She is back to taking naps everyday! And I appreciate them so much more now, I get to have a shower by myself!
The baby I had mentioned before, Ryan, that I had held and Rylee freaked out about it came over this week and when I held him, Rylee was fine with it! I couldn't believe it.
She saw that he was sleeping and she was saying "shh, night night". And giving him kisses.
But when he did cry, Rylee would put her arms out like she thought she was going to get to hold him, I am very excited to see how she takes having Aedyn around all the time, and she will be able to hold him.
Speaking of which I have an induction date of February 1st & he should be born on the 2nd :]
Rylee has a little over a week of being an only child.!
Last night, there was a tornado warning out, so Jake suggested that we let Rylee sleep in the bed with us so we wouldn't worry about her.
I was pretty happy about this. We went to bed at her bedtime (9:30)
She was freaking out because she wanted to be right up next to me, we had her in between me and Jake but she just wanted me.
It makes me feel bad for Jake because she is just like that because he works all day.
So she kept on for about 30 minutes trying to talk to us and tell us she loves us.
It was getting pretty annoying, So i rolled away from her and she started to drift off on her own.
She woke up around midnight, I'm not sure why, but she sat up and was wanting to wake up. I was pretty much past my limit by this time.
So i carried her to her bed and she fell back to sleep right away in there.
She is just too big to sleep with us anymore.
But I need my sleep anyway!


  1. sick snuggles are great, I agree.

  2. hahaha that picture is sooo cute. and funny. haha how sweet ":)
