Monday, December 28, 2009

Rylee Nicole's 2nd Christmas :]

This year I decided not to put the presents under the tree until Christmas eve night after Rylee went to sleep.
So the next morning she was not expecting to wake up to presents.
This was the first time she has really enjoyed opening any sort of presents.
Last Christmas she was only 8 months old and didnt care about it.
On her birthday, she didnt really care.
But this year at almost 20 months she was completely into ripping all of them open.
But when she would open one toy, she would stop and forget about opening anymore, because she wanted to play with her new toy.
She was really good about it though, Jake would just say, open another one and she would get up no problem and do so.
I got the entire morning on video :]
Such a great memory to have.
After she got done opening her presents I got into the shower.
And when I got out Rylee was dragging my dad's present (that we had left under the tree) around the house, holding onto the ribbon.
I am really glad she didnt open it.
I would not have been too pleased to have to wrap a present all over again.
We left for my parents house around noon.
We ate and then opened Rylees presents as well as mine and Jakes.
Rylee got so many toys.
And they really kept her content. Usually she acts like she has ADD or something and only plays with the toys for a few minutes and moves on.
But not with all of these new toys!
We took her outside to let her ride her power wheels car that was supposed to be a Christmas present.
We keep it at her Nana & Pappaws house.
She was riding it up and down the street, I think she completely gets how to drive it now.
Before she would step on the gas and would get so excited that she was going, she would quit.
Now she stays on the gas and loves to keep going.
She doesnt quite get how to steer it.
But she is still sort of young for it.
After spending 5 hours at my parents house, we went to Jakes parents house.
We got there and right away openned our presents.
Rylee got this dog that laughs and rolls around on the floor. Rylee really seemed to love it.
Well I was standing up holding her and she was holding the dog and she dropped it!
The motor got broke or something. So that toy didnt last very long!
Hopefully we can get them to send us a new working one!
We ate again at Jakes parents house.
We spent almost 5 hours there too.
Rylee had no nap the whole day and we left his parents house past her bedtime.
So needless to say she fell asleep in the car!
When we got home, I got her out of the car and she didnt wake up at all.
She was beat, she had too much excitement for one day.
I wish she could have days like this more often.
All I wanted was for her to be happy and have the best day :]
I think we accomplished that.
I love her more than life itself.

Doing new things everyday

Shes so cute sometimes, Lately she has been obsessed with getting her picture taken...
I wonder what could have made her that way....? :]
Maybe the camera that has been non-stop in her face since she exited the womb. lol
Lately she has been sneaking to get my camera out the diaper bag and turning it on and holding it above her head pointed at her.
When she does this, she doesnt completely get how to take the picture.
She knows what button to push but she holds it down instead of just pushing it.
So she sits there with it pointed at her saying "cheese" "cheese".
She is so conceited too, she loves to look at herself and everytime I take a picture of her, she says "see".
She wants to look at herself as often as she can, and when she does see the picture of herself, she says "aw" or "pretty".
She occassionally likes to pretend like shes taking pictures of mommy and daddy.

Also on the topic of her being conceited.... Everytime she puts clothes on that she thinks is cute or gets a bow in her hair or anything like that, she says "mirror" and runs into our room to look at herself in the mirror.
She is too cute sometimes. :]

Another new thing for her is when she is pooping in her diaper, she feels the need to run and hide.
I dont know what could have given her the idea that this is embarassing, we have never made her feel bad about doing it?
She has this one particular wall in our apartment that she runs behind and stands there until she is done.
When she is done, she comes to us and says "poopie".
If she cant leave the room she will just go to a corner and cover her face.
I really dont know how she picked this one up.

About a week and a half ago we took Rylee to JCPenney portrait studio to get her christmas pictures done and while we were waiting for it to be our turn we were sitting out in the little waiting area.
Well they have toys there to keep babies occupied.
And there was a little girl waiting with her mom too, I would say the little girl was about 3?
And she was playing with a toy and Rylee came up to her and started playing with the toy with her, didnt even try to take it away from her.
And the girl says "mine!" and takes the toy away.
Well ever since that day, Rylee has loved the word mine, and I hate it soooo much.
I want her to be a brat. And she completely gets how to use it. I dont know how hearing it one time has taught her to keep using the word over and over again.
Every time she says it she gets popped and I tell her we dont say mine.
But its an every day thing.
She takes toys from Lexie now and says it, or takes the phone from me or jake and says it.
I have to put a stop to it, I am not going to have a little brat on my hands.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


I would say she is for the most part potty trained.
While we are at home, she will not have a diaper on.
If there is even 1 pee in it she will say "change"! She absolutely doesnt like pee on her now that she knows she can do it in the potty.
So pretty much as soon as we get home she takes off her pants and her diaper and goes to the potty.
I try to keep a diaper on her, but that definately doesnt happen, she ends up getting her way.
And I really dont want to hold her back from learning, because it is good that she wants to go on the potty.
I wish that she would just keep her clothes on until she needed to go!
Especially when people are over, and theyre like "whys your kid naked" lol.
Or when we go down to Amanda & Lexies house, she gets naked there too!
I really would hate for her to have an accident in someone elses house.
But in general she has done really good. She rarely pees on the floor anymore.
For some reason her potty is messing up though, it is only supposed to sing when she goes in it. But now it is singing even when she just sits down. So she says "yay!" for herself even when she didnt do it! Its annoying.
We havent mastered going on a big potty yet.
The other day when we were at Amanda's and she had taken off her diaper, she said "tee-tee" and I was like oh, no, she doesnt have her potty here!
I tried putting her up on the regular toilet and she didnt go, about a minute later she said "tee-tee" again, I thought she just wanted to get back up on the potty because it was fun.
I didnt believe her and she peed on the floor.
I quickly stopped her and got her on to the toilet and she finished going on the big potty.
I still havent let her try to go while we are out in public. I think Im just too lazy for it.
It is alot of work on my part and I would rather her just pee in her diaper while we're out.
12/9- 5 TEE TEES
12/10- 8 TEE TEES, 1 #2
12/11- 4 TEE TEES
12/12- 3 TEE TEES, 1 #2
12/13- 8 TEE TEES, 1 #2
12/14- 7 TEE TEES, 2 #2S
12/15- 8 TEE TEES
12/16- 8 TEE TEES

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Well, Rylee has been reading this little book of colors she has had for about a month.
Her daddy and I have been trying to teach her a couple of colors with it.
Usually I think she just guesses what color it is and always says pink. lol.
Yesterday she brought the book to me saying "Red", and it was actually on the red page.
I congratulated her on getting it right but I thought she had just guessed.
Well today I was flipping through the book with her and I turned it to red, and she said "red".
I turned it to pink and she said "pink". Then I turned it to yellow and she said nothing. I told her yellow.
And the next turn around she got pink, red, and yellow.
I dont think I want to give her too many different colors to remember yet. I think I want to ingrave these few in her head first. lol.
I am so proud.
I have been keeping a little log of the number of times Rylee goes on her potty each day.
And so far --- 12/4- 2 times
12/5- 1 time
12/6- 0 times
12/7- 2 times
12/8- 6 times
Yesterday with the 6 times -
The first time Rylee just came out of her room where she was playing with Lexie with no diaper on.
And she went in the bathroom saying "tee-tee". I honestly didnt believe that she was going to go.
Because alot of times she just says it for attention and does nothing.
But a second later I heard the music on her potty.
I am really glad we got her a potty with music because sometimes I probably wouldnt have known that she went without it.
And all through out the day she would take her pants off by herself and go.
Alot of times I stop her from taking off her pants and diapers just becuase it is a pain for me and she does have alot of accidents on the floor.
But I am trying to get past that so she can learn.
And she does alot better if when she says "tee tee" and goes in the bathroom if me or her daddy goes with her.
Because if we dont usually she starts going on the potty and then when the music starts she gets up to see if we are going to come watch her and pees all over the floor.
But if we go with her she completely pees in the potty.
I am really proud of her, but I am still not pushing the issue.
We are just taking it day by day because I do not want to get frustrated with her if she stops going in the potty.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Such a little character!

So not too long ago, Jake was getting onto Rylee for something and he said "Rylee, I'm gonna pop you".
And She said in the cutest, happiest voice, "pop you". So ever since she thinks its so funny to say it to me and her daddy.
She doesn't actually pop us, she just likes to say it.

Lately Rylee has liked to be held like a baby, probably because I have been teaching her to hold babies.
My mom will hold her like a baby and sing "Rock a bye baby" and Rylee loves it, she will let her hold her as long as she is singing.
Well today Rylee was on the phone with my mom and my mom started singing it to her.
So Rylee, holds the phone like a baby and rocks it back and forth. I thought it was the cutest thing. When she saw how much attention I gave her for it she started hysterically laughing. She loves attention!

Another BIG THING right now is... Bribery!
I mainly just have to bribe her to eat. It all started with those graduate meals with ravioli and a side of vegetables. Well she didn't seem to think that she had to eat the vegetables, just the ravioli. I told her that she couldn't have anymore until she ate the vegetables. And right away she did it. Now when we eat those, she eats every other bite a vegetable. She really seems to understand everytime I try to make a deal with her.
She doesn't particularly like her yo baby yogurt, so I tell her that she will get candy or a cookie when she eats it all, and she comes up and eats it, no problem.
Or I will tell her just one more bite and it will be gone gone. and she will say "gone gone?" and then eat it. I end up telling her this a few times. I'm sure soon she won't believe me anymore and I don't know what I will do then. But I always hold up my side of our deals.
She loves to be Mommy's helper. When she brings her toys into the living room, once she's done playing with them, I will say, be mommy's helper please. And she says"box" like her toybox. She automatically knows what I am talking about and cleans up her toys.
When she walks into her room, if there are toys on the ground, she says "messy" and starts picking them up. I think I might be creating a neat freak!
But when her friend Lexie is over she always pulls out every last one of her toys!
I don't know what shes trying to prove? If she's trying to show off all of her toys or if shes trying to show Lexie all the things they can play with or if she's just trying to be bad?

POTTY! --- the past few months Rylee's potty has been sitting in the bathroom just waiting to get used. I haven't been pushing the issue with her because she is only 19 months old.
Well she used it 1 time when we first got the potty.
And yesterday right after her daddy went to school, she took her diaper off. (it's such a struggle to keep anything on her, clothes, shoes, socks, diaper!).
So I just let her keep it off, thinking she doesn't pee that much, I will probably put a diaper back on her before she goes.
Well we were about to go into the kitchen and she just stops and says "tee tee". She peed on the floor. Well while I was running a bath for her, we were sitting in the bathroom waiting for the tub to fill up, and she just willingly sits on her potty and pees!
I clapped and cheered for her and she was sooo proud of herself. I don't know if I have ever seen her smile so big and she is always smiling!

So today, she strips down again without saying a word and goes and sits in the dark bathroom and all of a sudden I hear the music to her potty (it goes off when it senses #1 or #2 in it)
So I rush in there to see her getting off the potty saying "tee tee". I am so proud of her. She could have very well just left her diaper on, but she knew she should go in the potty.
Well I came back into the living room and was on the computer and about 5 minutes later I hear the music again & she did it again.
She obviosly knows this is where she is supposed to go. I am trying not to get my hopes up about it, I know that it might not stick. But I am so proud of her. :] Words can't really explain how proud I am :]

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

19 Months :]

Rylee is such a happy girl. She is always playing and making up games with her mommy and daddy.
We even taught her to say "happy" and im pretty sure she understands the full meaning of it. We only say happy to her when she is laughing or smiling.
Now she will just randomly walk up to us and say happy and smile.
She loves to talk on the phone. She is always bringing the phone to me and saying " nana" (my mom), so I have to call her for her.
She will talk to her for a little while and then hang up and bring the phone back to me, usually she doesn't realize that she hung up on her and wants me to call her back. She is also trying to be really pursuasive it seems like, when she says something that she wants she nods her head yes while saying it.
Like she knows she is gonna get it or something and she is so sure of it.
It is cute, but it can be a pain when I tell her no, because she was so sure she was gonna get it that it upsets her so bad.
She tells us when she is hungry, which sometimes I feel like she can't be hungry that often. I wish I could tell when she was really hungry. Like if she had some kind of hunger meter that I could see. lol.
But she tells me she's hungry and takes my hand and guides me to the kitchen.
She eats so much now that she is off the bottle.
Still not drinking any milk!
My mom got her some chocolate soy milk and I try just putting the slightest amount in her cup of juice, just so she gets a little bit of milk.
Usually she will drink it as long as there isn't too much.
I have been feeding her more macaroni and cheese and things like that to help her get more calcium.
We have still been talking about "brother Aedyn" ofcourse, and how he will be here in 2 months.
I know she has no idea how long that is. lol
We have been practicing how to hold a baby, and putting a baby doll to sleep in a crib and how we have to be quiet.
She hasn't really gotten that part down, she will "shhh" and then say " nite nite baby" real loud. lol
Also I took her by myself to go visit Santa, I figured with all this extra - scaredness she's been going through lately that we should go visit him a couple times before we actually take her 2009 Santa pic.
Before it was our turn to go see Santa, Rylee was looking at him through the gate saying her version of Santa, Santa.
I had been showing her the picture from last year with him.
(different Santa this year btw)
And she seemed to be excited to see him, but as I expected the closer we got to him the more she wanted me to hold her.
By the time we were standing in front of him she had her head down on my shoulder.
I was showing her that he had boots, because she is obsessed with her own boots.
I put her down to stand by him because I thought that would be the next step to sitting on his lap.
She immediately started crying and saying "up. up". He gave her a coloring book and she still didn't like him.
I didn't want to stay there forever trying to make her like him, there was a whole line full of people. So we left. I plan to take her back again on a day where Santa isn't very busy.
Hopefully by the 3rd time she can go in her pretty dress and get pictures with him.
I don't want to give up the tradition of Santa pics!

Monday, November 9, 2009

18 Months :]

Rylee had her 18 month doctor visit with Dr. Wiley.
Her very nice doctor.
When we got into the room and the nurse was measuring her Rylee flipped out.
She didn't want this stranger anywhere near her.
And she definately didn't want to be on the little patient table by herself so daddy sat up there with her.
While we waited on Dr. Wiley to come in we taught her to say "Dr. Ben".
But ofcourse when he actually came in she was scared of him and she didn't want to show him that she learned his name.
This was an even huger flip out! because he needed to check her hips and Rylee was fighting him the whole time screaming like someone was torchering her.
Same thing happened when he tried to look in her ears.
She is at a very scared age. He said its pretty normal at 18 months.
But Rylee is scared alot of the time!
Before Jake would make a monster sound and come play bite her, now when he does that Rylee runs to me and says "mean", she used to love it.
I don't know if all of this started because of Halloween and scary costumes?
Also ever since I last blogged about Rylee still being on the bottle, I haven't given her one.
She has been drinking out of a sippy cup.
Not happily though. At first she wouldn't touch it.
Now she will, the only problem is that she will not drink milk out of it at all. Even if i put juice or chocolate milk in it, if she tastes a hint of milk she puts the cup down.
Her doctor said that this happens alot when you switch from a bottle to a sippy cup.
He said to just try to feed her more cheese and stuff like that.
It's really alot more pressure now to keep her healthy.
I have to make sure she's eating enough fruits and vegetables and now calcium.
It was so much easier when all she needed was milk or formula.
I'm still waiting for the day when she will drink milk out of her sippy cup!!!!

Rylee's 2nd Halloween!

My little BEE!
From the time Rylee woke up on Halloween I started trying to teach her to say "Trick or Treat".

She ofcourse didn't get why I was teaching her this yet, but she learned it.

We had so many places to go this year (very different from last year when she was only 5 months old.)

First we went to Jake's parents house. We rang their doorbell to trick or treat, but when Jake's mom opened the door Rylee just tried to walk in.

She didn't understand standing outside.

Jake's mom got her candy bowl and was picking out tons of things to give Rylee. But Rylee just kept grabbing out suckers, that was the only thing she wanted.

We stayed at her house for an hour while Jake dressed up his brother, Austin like a hobo.

He had a painted on beard and messy hair - this really scared Rylee.

She knew it was Austin, she just didn't get why he looked like that, she wouldn't go near him.

So I knew early on in the night that she would be getting scared alot by scary costumes.

When we were leaving their house Austin decided to come with us for the night.

The next stop was Chase Meadows neighborhood to go trick or treating with Lexie but by the time we got there Lexie was leaving to go to another neighborhood.

So we trick or treated at a few houses in the neighborhood including Amanda & Josh's house.

This was Rylee's first taste of trick or treating. While at these other houses she really didn't get why we were not staying to talk to people for a long time.

Once she got her candy she didn't want to just leave. She would stand there talking to them and looking at them. It was really hard to get her to leave.

She also thought she could take as much candy as she wanted. So it really wasn't good for the people that let you get your own candy, because Rylee took a ton of it.

And also at first, she didn't want to put her candy in her pumpkin (which I guess is understandable) she wanted to eat it already. And also she wanted her mommy to go with her and hold her hand every single time, she was very un sure about going up to all these doors by herself. Shes at a very insecure age I guess?

Once we left that neighborhood we let Rylee eat a couple of pieces of candy in the car to keep her happy until we got to My mom & dad's house.

My mom was the same way with Rylee as Jake's mom, she wanted to fill Rylee's bucket.

We didn't stay very long at my mom's house because at this point it was starting to get dark.

We trick or treated at 2 houses in my old neighborhood - just to people's houses that I knew my whole life & they were so happy to see Rylee.

We then went to our last stop that I was really excited about - it was to a neighborhood me & Jake had went to a few months back just to look at the beautiful million dollar houses. (Enclave) I knew this would be a great neighborhood because it had probably 100 houses and they were all so nice. I knew they would give out plenty of candy too haha.

It was fun for me and Jake too just because every house we went up to we were admiring and talking about what we liked about it.

It was nice too because alot of the people giving out candy were dressed up as witches or vampires. It was a whole different experience for Rylee.

While she was scared of these vampires she saw that they had candy so she got over it pretty quick. lol

She started to get tired of walking, good thing we remembered to bring the stroller! we really needed it.

About half way through this neighborhood Lexie , Amanda, & Johnny came to trick or treat with us.

Rylee is always really happy to see Lexie.

We trick or treated for 3 hours total I think and by this time me & Rylee were wore out & we decided to call it a night. It was a great Halloween :]

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Well, about a week ago, Rylees friend, Lexie got a new sippy cup and it was alot like a bottle.

It gave me the idea to try it with Rylee, so I went out and bought her one.

Thinking I would be able to trick her into drinking it and thinking it was a bottle.

She knew right away it was a "Cup", I kept telling her, "no, it's a bottle", but she knew better.

She kept correcting me.

So I keep giving it to her with milk in it and she will not drink it consistantly like she does a bottle.

But when I put gatorade in it she drinks it all.

She just doesn't like milk enough to drink out of a cup.

She has been saying "hungry" alot more since all this started, so she is eating as much food as me.

Before when she was on a bottle, all she cared about was getting her food by a bottle.

Im amazed by how much she can actually eat now.

Im not sure how much milk she actually needs at this point.

Although I know it is bad for her teeth and I had actually already got her off of going to bed with a bottle before,

I now give her a sippy cup of milk to keep while she goes to sleep.

That's the only way I can get some milk in her, because she is desperate for something to drink.

And she knows she can either lay there and do nothing or drink her milk.

I will get her off of a night feeding once I can get her to drink milk in the day.

Yesterday I even tried giving her 1 part milk and 3 parts gatorade,

she still didn't drink it.

She's so picky.

One thing I really like about it is before she constantly had a bottle in her hands, when I was trying to take pictures of her I couldn't pry it away from her.

Now she isn't attached to anything.

I think she's even almost forgotten about the "BABA", she hasn't said it herself in a couple of days.

I just wish this was a little easier or I wish I was seeing progress.

I want her to drink milk!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Taking it day by day

Well. Rylee is just about a year and a half now and I still can't get her off the bottle!

This has been by far the hardest thing to transition her off of.

I have tried just taking all the bottles away and only giving her a sippy cup but then she just cries and cries for it.

And it makes me feel awful.

It has made her start wanting more solid foods though, which is a plus.

But by the middle of the day she is in the worst mood ever!

I have tried putting juice in her sippy cup and water in the bottle and she still picks the bottle and she totally does not like water.

So I think it is really just more of an attachment than anything.

The other day I put sprite in the sippy cup and she drank it,

But i worry about her getting enough milk.

And she definately doesnt care enough about milk to drink it from a sippy cup.

I just dont understand why she wont take the cup. Every time she drinks out of it I clap for her and tell her how much of a big girl she is, which is how she has always learned.

I was really stressing over the whole bottle thing for a while.

I just eventually started feeling like what is the point?

I mean, I dont want her to go to kindergarten with a bottle, but really its not the worst thing in the world that shes still on it.

So im not really trying to get her off of it anymore, but Jake complains to me about it all the time.

BLAH. Im with her the whole day. I think I will decide.

On to another subject...

We have been working on Rylee saying 2 words together.

And about 2 weeks ago she started saying things like, "up, please" or "bites, please" - she knows if she says please, we will do what she wants.

Because I really want her to learn manners.

She says please and thank you just about every time now, but who knows if she knows what she means or not?

Also if she wants something from the kitchen, she will grab my hand and say cmon please.

Its so cute, but a little annoying. haha.

Also, about a week ago, we found out that we are definately having a boy.

And we think we have decided on the name Aedyn, and we taught it to Rylee.

So now when shes telling my belly she loves him, She says Aedyn!

I think she is going to be a great big sissy.

Jake has been working on counting with her, She will say 1-2-3 in order like that, but as far as holding up her fingers,

She will hold up 1 and say one, but she has a hard time holding up just 2 or 3 fingers, so she usually just holds up all her fingers for those numbers.

A couple of days ago we carved pumpkins with Amanda and Johnny and ofcourse Lexie.

Rylee and Lexie were more into going up the stairs together.

But Rylee got a little involved in it.

She kept saying Punkin Punkin.

We let her color on the front of the pumpkin, and Jake carved out as close to what she drew as he could.

We knew it wouldnt be perfect, but I really wanted it to be for Rylee.

We also got Aedyn a little baby pumpkin and I drew a little face on.

It was a fun family experience.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Rylee. Rylee. Rylee

It seems like she changes more and more everyday.
She knows words and names that nobody taught her knowingly.
She picks things up really quick. She knows all of her body parts. And she has got them down really good. Before she would mess up, not so much anymore.
She knows her hair, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, tongue, ears, ninnys, belly button, knees, feet, toes, and hands.
She knows what get dressed means and take your clothes off and shoes and pretty much anything you say she understands.
She understands the meaning of no now, If you ask her if you can hold her, she will either put her arms up to you or she will say NO.
its so funny to me.
Also, when Lexie is doing something shes not supposed to she will say Lexie, NO! - but that is really the only 2 words she will put together.
When we have food she wants, she says please, but we have been working with her to get her to say bites please.
But it's not working yet.
I don't know if she is supposed to be putting words together by now or not but I feel like she could if she really tried.

She loves the baby in mommys belly now!
We will just be laying on the couch and she will say BABY!BABY!BABY! and she kisses the baby, and rubs the baby, just yesterday Jake was feeling the baby kick and she put her hands on my belly. Trying to be like her daddy.
I wish she could have realized that she was feeling the baby kick.
Also she loves to give the baby her baba.
Everything she does is sooo cute to me.
We got her halloween costume the other day. She is going to be a bee :]
I cant wait to get her out trick or treating, this will be her first year doing that.
Last year she was still little.
But I think shes ready this year :]

Friday, September 11, 2009


The other day Rylee got a big girl potty.
So I kept trying to just take her with me when I went to the bathroom, and she would sit on the potty and say No.
And just get up.
So I took her diaper off and let her run around naked.
I told her to tell me when she needs to "Tee-Tee".
But she always just tells me as she is going.
But the the good thing is that if I see her peeing on the ground I just say No!.
And she quits, and we go to the potty and sometimes she won't go still.
And it will be another 5 minutes before she needs to go.
She tee-teed on the potty one time the first day and the potty sings a song when she does and she feels so proud of herself.
It is really cute.
It's very frustrating for me though because she only tells me when she's going.
I wish that she would just go to the potty when she needs to go.
She definately knows what it's for.
But it's still early, she's only 16 months. Most babies aren't even attempting this yet.
So I guess I just have to be patient and let her learn on her own time.
But we will be practicing every day...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Today she did the cutest thing.

Today while I was vacuuming Rylee fell down and put her arm up for me to help her stand back up.
About 5 minutes later she fell again and reached up for me again.
She realized that everytime she fell she was going to be helped back up.
So as I vacuumed I noticed her following me and just getting in front of me and falling to her knees.
She just waited around for me to help her up.
This time I didn't do it because I knew she was playing a game.
So she just kept on falling on purpose.
It was rediculously funny.
She is too smart.

Also a big milestone - We bought her a toddler bed the other night.
And the first night we put her in it and she went straight to sleep.
She adapted well to it really quick, I really thought that she would want her crib more.
At nap times she usually gets out of bed at first to play with toys, and then gets back in bed and falls asleep.
Its perfect for her because if you tell her to go get in her bed , she climbs right into bed and lays down with her teddy bear.
Now if only getting her off the bottle was that easy.
Next thing is potty training, I want to have her out of diapers by the time the baby is born.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Big Girl!!!!

Someone slept in her own room for the first time last night (june 17, 2009).
I know that sounds crazy, shes over a year & just now.
But she started off in our bed & we got her to sleep in her own crib a few months ago & I figured with the second baby coming I need to get her adjusted to sleeping in her own room.
Because I couldn't really have her in the same room as her sissy or brother waking her up every 2 hours.
We plan on getting a pack n play with the bassinet on top for the 2nd baby. We aren't making the same mistake twice with the bed. haha
It was really hard last night though, I didn't go to sleep for hours even though i was sooo tired.
I was just sitting up listening to the monitor.
& i was hearing the Ac in it so i had to go turn that off.
I was just scared that i wouldn't hear her cry.
Her daddy was fast asleep though about 2 seconds after he hit the pillow.
Hes working so much, hes only home for 1 hour that rylee is awake a day,
Hes making good money so for now its worth it.
He kept waking up to tell me to go to sleep and that i was crazy.
But its just very hard for me, because Im with her every second of every day and i worry about her constantly.
Me and her are sooooo attached.
And i was really worried how she would be not being able to see us when she wakes up.
Because shes been so fussy lately because of a diaper rash that keeps coming back.
I have taken her to the dr twice and he says shes getting too much protein and calcium and yeast and to cut down on the bottles to 3 milks 1 juice and the rest water.
And i did and it still wont go away.
But i gave her some tylenol to help her sleep through the pain.
ALL IN ALL it was a success. maybe tonight i will actually get some sleep though.
I hope we can keep this up everytime though.
I love my kidssss :]

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

here we go again :]

Well... well... well... On June 7th we found out that Rylee is a big sissy :]
We are so excited...
I keep trying to tell her that there is a baby & i point to my belly, but she just doesn't get it yet.
She just says button when I do that.
I hope she gets it before the baby comes.
Which should be early February.
But I am alot more scared this time around.
When I was pregnant with Rylee I don't think I ever worried about losing the baby.
But this time I am, I'm like scared to tell people,
I have only told close family & friends.
I think it is because I have seen my cousin lose 2 babies now & that is after she had her 1st-Aralynn [who was born the same week as Rylee]
I kindof just thought before once you've had one baby there would never be any problems having others.
It's just scary & I hope this worry doesn't come true.
& Dr Patel can't even see me for 3 weeks! Im ready to go now.
So she can tell me that Im pregnant & maybe get my 1st ultrasound.
I love being pregnant.
My motherly instincts tell me that it's another girl.
But we will see because I thought Rylee was a boy. lol
I'm just so excited!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Where did the time go?
She had 2 birthday parties this year!
her first one was a family party, but jakes parents didnt show up.
so it was just my family :]
the second one was a cpl wks later & only a few friends came.
I think i decided that next year i wont do a friends party, i want it to be more about family.
Guess which big girl started sleeping in her crib!!!
I know i have said it before, but its been going on since she turned 1.
She doesnt even cry when i put her in there anymore, she just goes right to sleep almost.
But the crib is in her mommy & daddys room, im not ready for her to go to her own room yet.
Other than that.... she has started adding more words to her vocabulary.
i might have forgotten some
Its cute too because, when you say "tray" she knows that means the tray to her walker, where i put her snacks.
so she runs right to it without even thinking about it.
& "owie" means... well she will pinch you & give you an owie and if you say owie or cry she will give you a kiss.
but now she has started giving herself owies and kissing it.
I dont know how her brain comes up with all of this.
she loves to talk & it seems like everyday shes repeating us.
Its great, like i dont really think of her that much as a baby any more , shes like a lil lil lil person. lol
But now we've got to start thinking about who we let her be around, because alot of people we know cuss, or maybe we could just ask them not to cuss around Rylee.
Because i would hate it if she repeated something like that.
This month we switched Rylee from whole milk to soy milk.
I found out that it has the same amount of calcium and protein as cows milk but its just alot better for you.
And she adjusted really well, really quick.
My reasons for switching were mainly because i found out that it was just as good for her if not better,
but also she was going through like 5 gallons a month of cows milk & as everyone i know knows that i am a vegetarian & if i can in any way cut down on dairy i will.
Because i read an article that really showed me something,
it said that with every glass of milk there is a side of veil becuase that milk was made for that baby cow, but instead they took the milk & the cow.
And i really think of Rylee as alot more innocent and sweet because she is for the most part vegan.
And she already loves animals, i hope that is something we can have in common while she grows up.
Ive decided for her 2nd birthday party we are going to do it at Mckamey animal shelter & adoption.
I volunteer there and i found out that they do birthday parties and they will bring out dogs for them to play with.
I think she will really enjoy it.
Well we took Rylee to Chester Frost park for the first time.
The water was really cold and at first she hated it.
She wouldnt even let her daddy hold her in the water, she only wanted her mommy.
It was so sweet,
eventually she started getting over it and had some fun.
We went with amanda, johnny, and lexie.
I cant wait till rylee and lexie can actually play together.
They still dont even seem to care too much when they are around eachother.
Something not so good this month is the day after chester frost her eye was all gunky.
So throughout the day it got swollen so i took her to the doctor.
And he said that she has a left ear infection & a double eye infection!
Poor baby.
After i took her home i noticed her pulling on her left ear.
And she was just crying non stop, I even gave her the phone and she threw it down.
Nothing could make her better,
but the i pulled out some soy ice cream and she was happy after that.
she loved it and she doesnt normally like cold stuff.
I thought it was really good though too.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

11 Months

Running Outside!!!
I can never get a clear picture of her anymore because shes always running!
This month she finally learned the word "baby".
And she has been saying it almost constantly ever since.
We went to an easter egg hunt at my church on april 11th & there was a newborn baby there & all of a sudden she started pointing at her & saying BABY! BABY! BABY!.
She lovvvvvves other babies!
She also has become obsessed with her baby doll.
She hands her to me & says baby! and I rock the baby & hug her & then I hand her the babydoll back and she copies what I just did.
And I just told her to give the "baba" [bottle] to the baby & she did, she fed her baby doll. haha
I think this is a good opportunity to start getting her prepared for a little brother or sister.
Because me & jake are trying for another one :]]
So I think by the time the new baby is born Rylee will be pretty well adjusted to me holding another baby & hopefully she won't be too jealous :].
Rylee also just recently learned to bounce a ball. She got a bouncy ball in her easter basket & so her daddy taught her how :] Its so cute.
Also Im realizing that Rylee is really a very good baby - I mean I never thought she was bad or anything but she is getting more well behaved.
& its great!
I see other babies who they do something & their mom tells them no & the baby just laughs.
But when I tell Rylee no, she stops immediately & drops what she is doing.
I think she will grow up to be a great kid, instead of some crazy ones we have living in our apartment complex.
---BUT she still sleeps with her mommy & daddy.
I dont think I will ever be able to break it. She is wayy too attached now. & the books say that she is able to be insecure now & that is why she wants to be with me so much.
I dont want to make her more insecure by having her cry herself to sleep in a place she doesnt wanna b [her crib].
So my master plan is to wait until she is like 3ish & she can understand me really well & Im gonna bribe her. haha. Think it will work?
But I atleast know now to never let another baby sleep with us!
The next baby is going in the crib for sure!

OOOOO & my camera broke!!! so i dnt know how i am gonna live without one until we can get another one! I guess I will have to borrow my dads....

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

10 months

This month Rylee has changed sooooo much!
All of a sudden she quit needing us so much.
She got walking down perfectly.
And before she used to need something to help her stand up. but this month she learned to get up pushing off the floor with her hands.
We're so proud of her.!
Walking at 10 months!!
We decided that now that she can walk that maybe we could take her in the little playground inside of Northgate mall.
She loved it!
There were like 4 different tunnels she crawled under.
She really didn't even feel the need to be around her mommy and daddy.
She's not as needy anymore.
She started chasing some big kids. And she was keeping up. :]
And then there was a tree slide, she started climbing up the steps all by herself. BUT when she got to the slide part she got scared and turned around and went back down the stairs. It was cute, shes pretty smart.
Something funny that happened...
By the end of 10 months, she never wanted to crawl at all.
So when she would go through the tunnels she would try to stand up and go through them. but that way she was too tall. it was cute.
And we showed her her belly button and ever since she always looks down at it nd says her lil version of "belly".
She says BITES perfectly.
And now she says BATH and DADDY.
and ofcourse HI and BYE.
Now she takes 1 nap a day usually lasting an hr and a half.
and then sleeps around 10 hours at night with less waking up.
Still sleeping with mommy & daddy.
but we are getting a king sized bed instead of a queen. so soon there will be enough room!!!! :]

Friday, March 6, 2009

9 months

18 pounds, 4 ounces, 30 1/8 inches long and 95 percentile!
This month we went to Vandergriff park & Coolidge park alot...
Mommy & Daddy have tried to get me out alot on the pretty days :]
More & more every day, Rylee is getting more brave.
Before she would only walk with us holding her hands, & then it turned into cruising & then she would start walking by herself only if it is only a short distance, if it were long she would just crawl. But towards the end of the month she is really showing independance, she wants to walk all on her own and she can walk about a room's distance before falling.
One of her main problems with walking is that she gets really excited at the end and falls.
Rylee had her 1st trip to the emergency room.
The day started with her throwing up early in the morning.
We weren't too worried because this had happened a couple of months ago and it just got better on it's own,
so we did nothing, went about our day, but after the 3rd time she threw up for no reason, we called the dr.
They said that if it keeps up then to give her pedialyte, and if she doesn't keep that down then to take her to the ER.
& if you didn't get it by now, she didn't keep it down.
The doctor there pretty much said it was ROTOVIRUS.
He didn't ask too many ?S and neither did we because it was like midnight.
so the next day we looked it up online and it didn't sound right.
She was only throwing up when she drank formula, so I started thinking that maybe she was becoming lactos intolerant.
Never really got an answer on that one. but her doctor Wiley have her a really easy to digest formula and shes been fine since.
But this was a big big scare for us, I have never felt so bad for her. :[

Sunday, February 8, 2009

8 months

This month we didn't get to find out her weight or height. :[

It seems like she grew up alot this month.
WOW, well she is standing up by herself alot better now. She is working on her balance. My friend told me that her baby did that for a couple weeks and then all of a sudden started walking, so I am excited for that. :]]]
She started watching us on the phone talking, -which she has always had a fascination with phones.
But this month she started putting her hand to her ear & saying "hi".
It is soooo cute, she does the sweetest things now.
And she gets cuter with time.
I also caught her flushing the toilet. :]
I am actually really surprised by how much she does and says at only 8 months. I never thought that she would be doing so much so soon.
She actually got onto the couch by herself at about 8 1/2 months.
This month mommy & daddy finally got the guts to get Rylee's ears pierced.
She was much braver than we were.
Daddy was pacing and was so nervous.
I was literally feeling like i was going to faint. I think I almost cried.
We both felt bad because she didn't even know any thing was going to happen to her.
I held her while she got it done. The women there & daddy were in front of her making all kinds of funny noises just to keep her attention.
And then once they did the first ear, , we were both mad because the old lady got the gun stuck to her ear so her ear was being pulled .
I could hear the pain in her cry so I felt so bad for her and she was looking to me for comfort. I really just wanted to quit and just have one ear done. lol
She really cried after they did the second one.
She cried for about a minute and then drank a bottle and was fine.
And she hasn;t acted like it botherd her since.
Shes so cute with her pink earrings :]
I really wish we had gotten them pierced earlier on because at this age she is so alert and happy.
It would have been easier if she was a small baby who was asleep or something.

7 months

18 pounds & 2 ounces. 29 1/4 inches long. 95 percentile.

This was a big month, Rylee started traditionally crawling,=before she would just scoot herself around. She also started pulling herself up to things; the couch, table etc.

Shortly after that she started "cruising" , or using the couch or walls to help her walk.

It won't be long until she starts walking.-She really wants to.


She had so much fun on this day. She had probably around 50 new toys to play with.

She took about 3 naps that day, which is very abnormal for her.

She wore herself out playing.

We spent the first half of the day at Nana & Pappaw's house [My parents house],

& the other half at her daddy's parents house.

She got soooo much attention.

She also had her first taste of Birthday cake :]]]

on mommy & daddys birthday

-which ofcourse she LOVED!