Rylee's birthday:
To begin the day,we watched Sprout to see if the birthday card I sent in would be on tv, well it wasn't ,but her name was on the bottom of the screen & i got a video of it for her to see when she's older.
And then she got to swim in her brand new pool! she loved splashing around, she never wanted to get out.
at Chuck E Cheese. it was her very first time to ever go there and she was AMAZED, she saw toys and kids all around her, she had a blast.
We decided this year not to do a party for her, and just do family.
She got a tricycle, a big ball, & a sit and spin from mommy and daddy. Her nana & pappaw got her a Justin Bieber poster & her new big pool with a slide :].
She played for hours and hours. We will definately be taking her back soon.
Rylee can say just about everything i think. Actually somewhere she heard "I'm gonna break your neck", i'm guessing tv.
So one day she randomly runs up to me and says "i'ma break your neck" and is pinching my neck.
its cute when she says it, but i can't believe she learned something like that!.
She is very polite, aside from breaking people's necks. She says May I?, Please, Thank you, Excuse me & Your welcome.
I really feel like she is going to turn out to be a sweet little lady. :]
The saturday after her birthday we decided to have family over for cake.
She was the center of attention just like she likes!
Over all she had a very good birthday and for a couple days later she said "my birthday", she wanted everyday to be her birthday, it was too cute.
She tells me out of the blue that she loves me all the time, & after i say I love you ,she usually says, I love you more :]
I love being her mommy more than anything. She is such a bright, sweet, polite little girl and I am proud to be her mom.
i love her birthday hat! So adorable!!