Monday, March 15, 2010


Rylee is growing up sooo much faster now.
Everyday she is less and less like a baby. She talks all day long and makes sense.
I can tell her almost anything and she understands what I am saying.
Like for example, when I can tell she is fake crying, I will call her a "faker" and she will usually stop crying because she was caught.
Well, the other day we were watching tv and on a show there was a guy who I knew was fake crying, you would think a kid would believe it, but she was like "faker"!
It was so funny :]
And I usually tell Rylee when she is coming down the stairs to be careful.
Well the other day I almost fell and Rylee was like "be careful mommy!"
it was so cute, I had no way of knowing before this that she even knew what I meant.
She is putting her words together so good, I can get her to say 3 words together at any given time really, I just have to break each word off and tell her 1 at a time and then she will say all 3.
We are still working on colors, she's getting better, but slowly. lol.
Rylee has been spending alot of time at her nana's during the day while I run errands or just while I take a break.
Just last Friday, my mom asked to keep Rylee for about 6 hours. I ofcourse said yes...
I would love a good break. Rylee really enjoys being over there anyways so it was win win win.

Last week we bought a pitbull puppy named Bella.
Rylee loved having a puppy, she would play with her all day long.
But the Rylee started liking tp pick her up and sit on her and hit her, so we had to sell the dog.
It was really too much on me having 2 kids and a puppy top look after especially having to watch constantly so Rylee wasn't hurting her.
She went to a really good couple and I know she has a much better home than she had here.
Since Bella has been gone, Rylee really doesn't mention her much. She remembers her, but I am so glad she wasn't sad that she is gone. :]

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure she understands most everything you say. I noticed with Lexie this weekend that she does. So when I would tell her No on something, I would try to tell her no _____. That way she knows what is not acceptable. Kids are so smart and even though they can't speak, they understand words because they hear them. Especially if you talk to them a lot. Glad you got a break. Love those win win win situations!
